Network Reliability
VividNET's major strength is its
dedicated network engineer staff. The main focus of VividNET's staff is to provide
our clients with a high level of value by concentrating time, energy, and resources on
developing new services and guaranteeing the robustness of our system.
In addition to the dedicated staff, VividNET also has proven LAN/WAN stability.
VividNET"s network is housed in a state-of-the-art climate-controlled telephony
environment with full 24-hour Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS). VividNET's web
servers are connected to the Internet backbone by 2 direct connection to major OC3 (145
Mbps) networks ( Telia
Network and Digital Island Network). This
redundancy in internet backbone connection are capable of backing up each other to ensure
a 99% up time to service VividNET's clients.
Feel free to browse the services provided by VividNET Communication by clicking on the
buttons to the left side.
Real Life Scenario:
Why web hosting @ VividNET ? ?
Many individuals and
organizations who want to have a virtual web presence will research how much it will cost
to set up their own Web Server. This usually turns out not to be a cost-effective solution
when you consider that the following expenses are needed to get started: Dedicated Web Server (Pentium 4)
Server Software (Netscape Commerce
Server) $5,000
Tape Back-up $800
Router & CSU/DSU $3,000+
Add the following recurring
costs to that initial $13,800 :
- T1 Connection to the internet $1,400/month
UNIX System Administrator $60,000/yr
and you can see how quickly the expenses will add
Many organizations, even those which have deep
pockets and the technical expertise, will find it hard to justify such large expenditures
on hardware and manpower when VividNET Web Hosting can deliver
equal or better services for a fraction of the cost .
Contact VividNET Today !